

亀は噛み付く turtle can bite

At the Richardson Beach near my apartment 5 turtles were resting on the rock to basking in the sun. There is no posting like black sand beach "don't approach within 18 feet". But warning "turtle can bite"
So I took photo taking a distance to avoid danger of bite.

I thought he had no intention to bite, so I got closer and one more shot.
And closed up, using flash, he did not even open eyes. He might be perfectly trust Hawaiian people.


ハマクアの英雄 Hamakua Hero

This monument is standing at the entrance of Honoka'a Town. We always pass through this town when go to Waipio Valley. And it was the main stage for the Japanese movie "Honoka'a Boy" (The cast is Masaki Okada, Chieko Baisyo, Keiko Matsuzaka.
Left pillars of this monument are made of Japanese Cypress and foundation stones were brought from Hiroshima. Right is Ohia tree(special product of Hawaii. refer this blog of May)standing on the Lava rock from Honoka'a. It is a symbol of the bridge connecting Japan and Hawaii.

「日本人商店主、後藤闊氏は、ホノカー留置所から約90メートルの電柱で縊死しているのを発見された・・・」 1889年10月29日付
In the bronze plate there are descriptions of the excerpts of news paper that informed Katsu Goto's death( murder) and his remarkable achievements.
"A Japanese store keeper, K.Goto, was found death this morning at 6 o'clock, hanging to a cross arm on a telephone pole about 100yards from Honoka'a jail..."
October 29, 1889 Daily Pacific Commercial Advisor

"Having a foresight to learn English before moving to Hawaii, he used his bilingual skills to achieve human dignity and fair working conditions for sugar workers. Many consider him a pioneer labor leader. His spirit lives on..."
後藤氏とこの記念碑の存在を知ったのは、パッツィ ユリコ イワサキさん(まだお若いチャーミングなレディ)の劇画タイプの本からでした。
最初の官約移民(初めて聞く言葉でした)参加するまでの家族の困惑、移民船 S.S シティ オブ トーキョー号、 さとうきびプランテーションの過酷な労働、商店の開業と成功、写真花嫁、日本人移民の労働条件改善のための交渉、リンチによる死(27歳)が分かりやすくまとめられています。
この本は http://www.besspress.com/ にアクセスすれば手に入ります。

I knew about him and this monument by the comic story type book "Hamakua Hero" written by Mrs. Patsy.Yuriko. Iwasaki (attractive young lady).
The first Kanyaku-Imin(Goverment Contract Immigrant??) (I have never heard this word), Confusion of his family when he decided to attend this, immigrations ship S.S City of Tokyo, cruel work at sugar cane plantation, opening of a shop and success, "picture bride", negotiation to improve working condition for Japanese Immigrants, and his death(27years old) by lynched, These episodes are contained in this book.
I had only images, happy and respected Japanese Hawaiian in paradise. But when I knew the children who swept into sea by Tsunami and Story of Katsu Goto, I realized that they have overcome very severe and strict history.
You can get this book at http://ww.besspress.com/


悲劇のラウパホエホエ Laupahoehoe, the tragic village

The place that I took photos of coconuts cutting, named Laupahoehoe (it means a flat of smooth lava,pahoehoe), has the tragic history. April 1,1946, Tsunami attacked this peninsula and killed 24.
The source of this Tsunami was the Aleutian Islands and killed 159 at the whole Hawaii Island. Maximum height of wave was recorded 55 feet. 

There is the monument "in memory of those who lost their lives in the tidal wave ( at that time tsunami called so) April 1 1946"  The names and ages of the victims are carved on the stone board. 24people were killed, 16 of them school children, four of them teacher and four was residents. There are some offerings front of the monument,
14people had Japanese name, such as Fujimoto Toshiaki 14 years old, Ishizu Mamoru 16 years, Yamamoto Jitsumi 14 years. At that time around there were sugarcane producing district so many immigrants from Japan lived there.

Boards for recall at that time.(I failed to take good pictures)
The picture of Laupahoehoe prior to the Tsunami.(TSUNAMI! University of Hawaii Press) Note the playing fields and cottages nearest the ocean.
Present High Way is passing at the top of the cliff, not the road on this photo.
This book contains many stories. For example, someone said that sea had receded and ocean floor was bare but everybody thought it was a April fool  joke. Someone went to seawall to see the strange sea and was swallowed up by the wave. Other student who belonged basketball team could run faster by terror and achieved safety. When his head cleared another boy found he was floating in debris and in the company of sharks.
被災直後。(「The Tsunami」Walt Dudley 著より) 宿舎は跡形もなく流されています。左下の椰子の木が、椰子の実取りをやっていた椰子並木。
The picture of soon after the Tsunami. (from "The Tsunami" by Walt Dudley") All cottages were swept into the sea. The row of Palm trees of left blow are the one which workers were cutting off the coconuts.
Site of the Play Ground. It has peaceful appearance now.


スパイダーマンの椰子の実取り spiderman cut off the coconuts

I have a particular concern to take photos of work to clime palm tree and take off coconuts, from the meaning of risk prevention. At last I met it and had a time change to telephoto lens.
This scene is just moving to palm tree to another one, exactly spider-man he is.

He cut off one bunch of coconuts that are still young. He leaves fronds in the same way, because these are also very heavy.

Fall from a high place, so these make considerable noise. Indeed if these hit to head one might be seriously hurt.
To clime the palm tree stick this spike into the trunk and lift body by foot and arm. He works higher than 20m, it is very fearful for me just looking.
He cut the coconut and gave me coconut milk. He said it is not tasty but good for kidney.


ヒロ湾の亀 Turtles at the Hilo Bay

Beside the bridge to Coconut Island many turtles formed group.

I found 7 turtles, including mother and child. (I am not sure whether they have such relation.)

It was eating seaweed grown on the dike and ignore me though I clapped hands.

The big trees of Koa created a unique atmosphere, beside them there are Mango tree dropped many mangoes. Yes! It is a real paradise of southern country.
(Behind is the Liliuokalani Park)


ナニロア・カントリー・クラブ Naniloa C.C

This is Naniloa Country Club, it is located in center of the Hilo, 9 holes, 2800yards par 35. Play fee for half round is $10(senior, over 62, is $9), a cart for two is $10.

コースの境に何もないので、広々とした感じ。打ち込むと危ない? 大丈夫、まず誰もいないから。空いているので、気が向いたときちょっとプレーをという感じ。これが一番うれしい。
It has an open view because there is nothing on the boundary of course. Do you feel dangerous if your shot is slice ball? No problem! may be there is no one around you.
It is very nice for me, Japanese, I can play anytime I want, need not reservation or waiting.

Some Mango trees are there in the course and many Mangoes fallen on the lawn at the season, May. They are very delicious indeed. Many coconuts also fallen, but these cannot eat immediately.


カラパナ溶岩流 Lova flow at Kalapana

友人よりこのブログの冒頭の写真の所は簡単に行けるか問い合わせがありました。 かつては駐車場から15分のところから見えたのですが。
My friend asked me that is it easy to see the view of the picture at the top of this blog. At that time we could go to the point only 15minutes from the parking place.
But now, following is the answer to this question.
New lave flow has been surged in this area.

It is surging now.

As a result, the parking place and road were buried with thick lava. So we have to walk over 30minutes to go to the place taken of this picture.
And it is very lough ground so we go there while it is still light but to take photos of red lava we have to wait until dark and go back the same way in the dark.
I have never been there so I'll examine how to go there.


ココナッツ・アイランド Coconut Island

Next to Lili'uokalani Park there is the Coconut Island connected by a small bridge.This photo was taken from the room of the Hotel at very early morning.
You can see the Mauna Kea clearly over the Hilo bay. It takes only one and half hour to go the summit, elevation 4205m, from here by car.
It is a place of rest and relaxation for citizens. Everybody are enjoying a break free from worry.

I got a permission of their mother to take photos because they were so cute.
If someone knows them tell me the address or something. I'll send prints to them.


リリウオカラニ公園 Lili'uokarani Gardens Park


The beautiful Lili'uokalani Garden Park is on the row of Hotels in Hilo. Behind of this picture there is a small golf course, 9 holes, par 35, only $10 for half round(over 62 years old is $9!).
Not crowded so we can start at any time when we want to play.

「リリウオカラニ」はハワイ王朝最後の女王の名前です。 カメハメハ大王から数えて第八代目で、1891年から1893年まで統治し、米国、ヨーロッパ系のビジネスマン、政治家を中心とした住民に王朝を転覆させられました。

"Lili'uokalani" is the name of the last queen of Kingdom of Hawaii. She was the 8th Governor from Kamehameha the Great and reigned 1891~1893, overthrown by the residents of American and European businessmen and politicians.


This park was built by Japanese immigrants in 1900 with nostalgia of Japan. There are many stone lanterns and arched stone bridge and they make some kind of harmony with palm trees and monkeypod trees which cannot see such atmosphere in Japan.


パナエワ動物園 Panaewa Rainforest Zoo

There is a small Zoo on the outskirts of Hill. It is sorrounded by tropical rain forest,not crowded and free. So it is an excellent place to have a stroll.

Only big beast is the white Bengal Tiger named NAMASTE(means "Hello" in Hindi language) It is not fun because He (or she) is always sleeping in the shade of the tree or getting cool in the pond like this photo. But someday I knew he walks around when get close of feeding time, 3:30.

He entertained us to come closer to the fence and gaze at us or stop and take pose for the picture.

He is very big and powerful when we see him close.

He crunched 3 whole chikens in an instant. I felt little wonder, many chikens and peacocks entered his cage but he did not eat them, why?
They also walked around the zoo. In nature time is flowing slowly.


ワイロア州立公園 Wailoa State Park

ヒロの街の中心部にある広大で美しい公園がワイロア公園です。もとは日本人が多く住む新町という名の町でしたが、津波で壊滅したそうです。ヒロ湾の周囲は津波対策もあって公園、運動場、ゴルフ場で囲まれ、美しいヒロの街をかたちづくっています。 この写真の右側にカメハメハ大通りがあって、その先はすぐヒロ湾です。
Wailoa State Park is a vast and beautiful park at the center of Hilo city. Formerly, it was Shinmachi town lived many Japanese. It was almost destroyed by Tsunami. To avoid the human damage from Tsunami, Hilo city built only parks, play grounds and Golf course, not building, around the Hilo Bay front. And these are forming beautiful Hilo town.
There are Kamehameha ave. on the right side of the photo, and Hilo bay is just over the Avenue.
This photo took from the helicopter of volcano sightseeing. ($210 for 50minutes)

This is a vast and well maintenance park surrounding the Hilo Lagoon.

It is end of the lagoon. There lives many water fowls.
Shower was coming, but escaped under the tree it was pass over soon. It is usual in Hilo.

One kind of waterfowl was such terrible face. I have ever seen this kind of bird at Punaluu Black sand beach and was very surprised because I had never seen this face in Japan (I wrote about it before in my blog) but this had more strange one. Alas! wife and kid were same face.

そしてこの公園のシンボルはカメハメハ大王像です。前にも書きましたが、ホノルル、カパアウに次ぐ3番目の像です。 (-町-カメハメハ大王像参照)

And symbol of this park is King Kamehameha Statue. It is the third one following the Honolulu and Kapaau Statues. ( see "statues of Kamehameha the Great”-town-)


カウマナ溶岩洞窟 Kaumana Lava Caves

Caves と複数になっているのは、我々が入ったものと反対側にもう一つ洞窟があるからです。そして出入りはこちらからと書いてあるのは、彼の家のすぐそばに開口部があって、それは鉄柵で閉じられているからでしょう。2マイルぐらいの距離があるそうです。
I went to Kaumana caves, in a suburb of Hilo. Unlike Thurston Lava Tube at Kilauea, partially wheelchair accessible, it was not maintained. So I asked my friend, who lives near the cave, to guide.
There is another one opposite side of the cave that we went in, so guide board indicated "caves".
"Enter and Exit this side" means this cave has another opening near my friend's house but is closed with iron grille. It is about 2miles away.

Lava flow cool more quickly along the outer edges and harden. This insulates molten lava and later these liquid lava drains from the tube. Thus lava tunnel is formed. There are many lava tubes in Big-island

It was pitch-dark and we had to walk on the large and unstable rock. If I came here without him, I might return at this point.


Owing to him and his powerful torch, I could go inner part of the cave. Many roots of trees were hanging from the ceiling. It looked ominous and I felt as if I was Orpheus going down to hell to look for Eurydike. ( Of course, I could not expect to meet her)


Lava of different temperature and composition oozed from wall made such funny shape. Some one wrote graffiti. The residents of Hawaii are eager about nature protection. But this man could not controll the temptation to write because there were no one around him.

There were few person in the cave. We met only one party at the entrance hall.


We advanced about 500m, it was the point we turned back. If we want to go more we must crawl on knees and hands, ahead of this narrow place we can go out wide tunnel again. But this time we came here with little children and ladies, so we stopped here. Too bad!!(Too lucky!!)

I used flash right and increased sensitivity of camera to ASA3600, this place looks bright, but of course it was pitch-dark.