

プナルウの黒砂海岸2 Black Sand Beach at Punaluu 2

I came this black sand beach with my granddaughter, elementally school. She was first time to visit here. I told her "You can see turtle very close but don't touch them." Every time I visited here, turtles rested on the beach, so I told her this with confidence. But no turtle was on the beach. We were disappointed very much.

Just we were going to another place, she shouted "It comes up"

He walked few steps (fins?), and stopped long time. Was he cautious about human?


No! He(She?) was not afraid but came up straight to the people who wanted to take picture of him. When he came closer people stepped back, BECAUSE......!


The rule is posted. Stay 18feet away include taking picture. So turtle came people step back.

なお、黄色の看板は、モンクアザラシに近づくなという指示です。絶滅危惧種です。私は見たことがありません。見た人は電話をくれとも書いてありますので来るのは珍しいのでしょう。 噛み付かれて大怪我をするぞとも書いてあります。なにしろ2m,200kgもあるそうですから。

Yellow plate is the indication. Don't approach Monk Seals. They are endanger spices. I have never seen them. It is writen when you see it please call. It might be rare to meet them.

Also writen that it may bite and can cause serious injury. Yes, it is very big, about 2m length and 200kg weight.

日本語の看板が出ているのは、よほど日本人がよく来るのか、それとも日本人はすぐ触ったりするためだからでしょうか。でもちょっとおかしいのは英語では、18フィート(5.4m), 日本語では、4.5mになっています。なぜ日本人は1mほど近くまでいけるのでしょうか。と考え込んでいると、

This postage is written in Japanese also. May be so many Japaneses visit this beach or they often touch turtles.
But it is strange, English says, stay 18feet(5.4m) away, Japanese says 4.5m. Why Japanese can approach about 1m more.


Another postage says 15feet(4.5m) so I can understand that is only mistake.

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