The James Kealoha Park, just beside my apartment, has such charming lagoon.
This board says " Greed turtles are native to Hawaii and a Threatened Species protected by law. Don't approach and disturb basking turtles if you do so fines can be imposed"
ここから少し先の海岸では、亀は噛みつくとの警告がありました。それで恐る恐る近づいて写真を撮ったのですが(ラベル=生物 亀は噛みつく 参照)この子達はそんな警戒は全くしていません。
At another beach there was a warning " Turtle can bite" so I cautiously approached them and took pictures. (see Ravel=Life, title turtle can bite") But these children had no caution against that.
If we approach the turtles fines are imposed but here turtles approach us as if they say "let's play".
I took them at the last few days of Feb. we got lot of snow one week later in Tokyo and big earthquake 12 days later.
こっちでも亀が遊びに来ています。これがアオウミガメ、前のはタイマイで種類が違うかもしれません。 この女子が、亀は草を食べるの知っているかと聞いてきました。海草を食べるのは看板に
Turtle also came another place and it is a Green Turtle, former is a Horkbill Turtle, I think. This girl asked me "Do you know the turtle eat grass, don't you?" "Of course not!" I knew they ate seaweed because the board teach us, but I could not know that they ate grass.
"I'll show you" She took some grass and gave it to hem. Turtle ate them with great relish. I'm not sure to see the board anywhere "Don't feed turtle" . Anyway what a plenty of nature there are!
"I'll show you" She took some grass and gave it to hem. Turtle ate them with great relish. I'm not sure to see the board anywhere "Don't feed turtle" . Anyway what a plenty of nature there are!