

亀は噛まない Turtle dose not bite

The James Kealoha Park, just beside my apartment, has such charming lagoon.
This board says " Greed turtles are native to Hawaii and a Threatened Species protected by law. Don't approach and disturb basking turtles if you do so fines can be imposed"
ここから少し先の海岸では、亀は噛みつくとの警告がありました。それで恐る恐る近づいて写真を撮ったのですが(ラベル=生物 亀は噛みつく 参照)この子達はそんな警戒は全くしていません。
At another beach there was a warning " Turtle can bite" so I cautiously approached them and took pictures. (see Ravel=Life, title turtle can bite") But these children had no caution against that.
If we approach the turtles fines are imposed but here turtles approach us as if they say "let's play".
I took them at the last few days of Feb. we got lot of snow one week later in Tokyo and big earthquake 12 days later.
こっちでも亀が遊びに来ています。これがアオウミガメ、前のはタイマイで種類が違うかもしれません。 この女子が、亀は草を食べるの知っているかと聞いてきました。海草を食べるのは看板に
Turtle also came another place and it is a Green Turtle, former is a Horkbill Turtle, I think. This girl asked me "Do you know the turtle eat grass, don't you?" "Of course not!" I knew they ate seaweed because the board teach us, but I could not know that they ate grass.

"I'll show you"  She took some grass and gave it to hem. Turtle ate them with great relish. I'm not sure to see the board anywhere "Don't feed turtle" . Anyway what a plenty of nature there are!


大地震と津波(3) tremendous earthquake and tidal wave(tsunami)(3)

2006年12月のスマトラ沖地震の津波です。(読売新聞)必死に逃げている人と向かっていっている人がいます。約22万人の死者が出ましたのでこれらの人の運命も楽観は許されません。 すごい写真だとどきもを抜かれました。
This is a photo of Tsunami by Off Sumatra Earthquake,Dec.2006.(Yomiuri) There are people who was escaping in desperation and one lady was going to the wave. 220,000 people were killed by these tsunami in Asia, so it is difficult to think these people in this photo escaped safely. 
When I looked this Photo I was astonished very much, "what a dreadful photo it is! "
This is the Tsunami of this time, I feel tremendous power.(New York Times)
2004年11月の のインド洋の津波です。津波が寄せてきている写真はあまりなかっただけに、これもすごい写真でした。(太平洋災害センター)
Indian Ocean Tsunami Nov. 2004. I had not seen the photo of coming tsunami many times, also scared me.(from Pacific Disaster Center)
From the Tsunami of Chile earthquake, M8.8, hit Japan Mar. 2010. It is photo at Kesennuma Miyagi Prefecture. (Japan Times) I took photos of this tsunami at Chiba Prefecture and posted of this Blog (see Ravel=Tidal Wave, Tidal Wave)
But now I ashamed those compare with many pictures of this time.

A scean of Kesennuma this time.(from New York Times) Formar one cannot compare with this.


ジェームス・ケアロハ公園 James Kealoha Beach Park

私のコンドーの隣は、小さなしかしとても美しい公園です。この写真は屋根の上から撮ったものです。 冬の間は沖で鯨が潮を吹くのがみえます。(あまり好い写真ではありませんがかすかに見えると思います。)
Beside my apartment there is a little but very charming park named James Kealoha Beach Park. This is taken from the roof of the apartment. We can see whales are blowing offshore in winter season. ( It is not a good photo, but  you can see the blow slightly. )
This is taken from opposite side of the park. You can see the apartment.
公園の中には湧き水の池があります。右側の小屋にはバーベキューセットがおいてあり、 休日には人が集まって楽しんでいます。ただし、アルコールは一切ダメ。ふんだんに牛肉を焼いてこの雰囲気の中でビールを飲んだらさぞおいしいだろうと思うのは私だけでしょうか。
There is a pond of spring of fresh water. In the right side cabin there are BBQ sets and many people enjoy BBQ on holiday. But alcohol beverage are prohibited. I'm always thinking that it must be paradise if I can drink beer with plenty of beef in this splendid atmosphere.
There is a small island and it has small sand beach.
There are trees with many papayas,but no one take them because we can buy them $1 for 5 or 6.
He is a life-guard. He looks like very terrible in Japanese sense. But when I spoke to him he was very friendly and allowed to take many pictures of his proud tattoo.
He is a Japanese Hawaiian of 4 or 5 Th generations came from Hiroshima but he did not speak Japanese at all.


大地震と津波(2) tremendous earthquake and tidal wave(tsunami)(2)

ジャパン・タイムズに6500Km離れたハワイ島 にも津波が来たという記事が載りました。この写真は、西海岸でカイルア・コナから8Kmほど南のケアウホウビーチの写真です。
The Japan Times said Tsunami came to Big-Island, 6500Km away from Japan. This is the picture of Keahou Beach about 8Km south of Kailua Kona , west coast o this Island.
This is pictures at Honolulu(Japan Times). We cannot compare with Japanese damages but these shows a power of tsunami.
The tsunami was coming to Sendai Airport. It is a photo from Web-site of New-York Times. (click this photo for enlargement)


真っ赤な溶岩流 Red Lava Flow

I walked 30minutes on the lava plateau like this picture to see the lava flow. Of course I joined the tour with guide. If I went there alone I cannot return in the utter darkness.

The lava flow was powerful. It was just before to burn the fern that recently came up.
I took this photo without a flash lamp. You feel the heat of lava from this picture more than another.
私が溶岩に棒を突っ込んでいるところ。なんとなく逃げ腰なのは、怖いからではなくすごい輻射熱で熱いからです。 ドロドロに融けて柔らかいかと思っていましたけれど、思ったより硬い感じでした。
I was starking a bar into the lava. I made to run not because fear but horrible radian heat. I thought jelly melt lave was soft but actually it was not so.
There are not so many place to see the lava such near distance like Hawaii. Volcanoes of Hawaii have little danger to explosion or pyroclastic flow.
Still, lava came rapidly to us. It was time to go back. But guide(young man) how to find the way back only with little flash right  without any marks.


大地震と津波 tremendous earthquake and tidal wave(tsunami)

I'm living far  from the center of this earthquake, so I wonder I have a right to say about it or not. But this blog has many foreign readers so I try to write it for the information to them. These two pictures are reprinted from the Yomiuri News Paper.
According to the position of cars  (they are on the roof of 3rd story) we can easily recognize this Tsunami was higher than 10m.
このブログでは3回にわたって津波について書いています。( ラベルー津波、町を参照してください)津波の恐ろしさをなんとなく感じて書いていた記事ですが、これほどとは思いませんでした。テレビの画像を見ても、波というよりは堰を切って潮が満ちてくる(洪水)という感じがします。
I wrote about Tidal wave 3 times in this blog (see the Ravels=Tidal Wave and Town). I wrote these stories because I felt somehow Tidal Waves have terrible power, but they have more. I looked at TV, it was not like waves but tide was suddenly rising as if it broke the floodgates. It is just like a deluge.
Though my house is at the western part of Tokyo far from the center of this earthquake, about 250ml, I felt big sway and head of stone lantern fell down. It is so heavy that I cannot lift it. I feel some ironical contrast between this terrible figure and Bungo plum blossom that blooms peacefully and quietly.


キラウエアがゴロゴロ Kilauea rumbles

The smoke from the vent in Halemaumau Crater of the summit Caldera was very thin that day(March 2). So I thought this eruption was about time to end. Such a thin smoke but visitors are glad to see them.

I put a picture of the last visit for reference, always it looked like this. The vent is seen red because of evening darkness.
Suddenly Hawaii Tribune Herald carried items about the eruption on March 6. This fissure eruption occurred between Puu Oo crater and Napau crater, it is approximate 6 miles from the summit, a mountain side of Kilauea. Around there it was the source of lava flow which baried Kalapana village and Royal Garden Subdivision. This eruption was carried on the Japanese newspaper also.
The thin smoke at summit caldera means to keep the energy for this eruption, according to my authority.

I had to return to Japan next morning by 6:23 plane, I could do nothing about this. But I supposed I could take  pictures of red dyed sky from 7th floor of my apartment . Yes I can!  It is 25 miles away from my apartment.