Beside my apartment there is a little but very charming park named James Kealoha Beach Park. This is taken from the roof of the apartment. We can see whales are blowing offshore in winter season. ( It is not a good photo, but you can see the blow slightly. )
This is taken from opposite side of the park. You can see the apartment.
公園の中には湧き水の池があります。右側の小屋にはバーベキューセットがおいてあり、 休日には人が集まって楽しんでいます。ただし、アルコールは一切ダメ。ふんだんに牛肉を焼いてこの雰囲気の中でビールを飲んだらさぞおいしいだろうと思うのは私だけでしょうか。
There is a pond of spring of fresh water. In the right side cabin there are BBQ sets and many people enjoy BBQ on holiday. But alcohol beverage are prohibited. I'm always thinking that it must be paradise if I can drink beer with plenty of beef in this splendid atmosphere.
There is a small island and it has small sand beach.
There are trees with many papayas,but no one take them because we can buy them $1 for 5 or 6.
He is a life-guard. He looks like very terrible in Japanese sense. But when I spoke to him he was very friendly and allowed to take many pictures of his proud tattoo.
He is a Japanese Hawaiian of 4 or 5 Th generations came from Hiroshima but he did not speak Japanese at all.
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