This is a photo of Tsunami by Off Sumatra Earthquake,Dec.2006.(Yomiuri) There are people who was escaping in desperation and one lady was going to the wave. 220,000 people were killed by these tsunami in Asia, so it is difficult to think these people in this photo escaped safely.
When I looked this Photo I was astonished very much, "what a dreadful photo it is! "
This is the Tsunami of this time, I feel tremendous power.(New York Times)
2004年11月の のインド洋の津波です。津波が寄せてきている写真はあまりなかっただけに、これもすごい写真でした。(太平洋災害センター)
Indian Ocean Tsunami Nov. 2004. I had not seen the photo of coming tsunami many times, also scared me.(from Pacific Disaster Center)
From the Tsunami of Chile earthquake, M8.8, hit Japan Mar. 2010. It is photo at Kesennuma Miyagi Prefecture. (Japan Times) I took photos of this tsunami at Chiba Prefecture and posted of this Blog (see Ravel=Tidal Wave, Tidal Wave)
But now I ashamed those compare with many pictures of this time.
A scean of Kesennuma this time.(from New York Times) Formar one cannot compare with this.
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