I'm living far from the center of this earthquake, so I wonder I have a right to say about it or not. But this blog has many foreign readers so I try to write it for the information to them. These two pictures are reprinted from the Yomiuri News Paper.
According to the position of cars (they are on the roof of 3rd story) we can easily recognize this Tsunami was higher than 10m.
このブログでは3回にわたって津波について書いています。( ラベルー津波、町を参照してください)津波の恐ろしさをなんとなく感じて書いていた記事ですが、これほどとは思いませんでした。テレビの画像を見ても、波というよりは堰を切って潮が満ちてくる(洪水)という感じがします。
I wrote about Tidal wave 3 times in this blog (see the Ravels=Tidal Wave and Town). I wrote these stories because I felt somehow Tidal Waves have terrible power, but they have more. I looked at TV, it was not like waves but tide was suddenly rising as if it broke the floodgates. It is just like a deluge.
Though my house is at the western part of Tokyo far from the center of this earthquake, about 250ml, I felt big sway and head of stone lantern fell down. It is so heavy that I cannot lift it. I feel some ironical contrast between this terrible figure and Bungo plum blossom that blooms peacefully and quietly.
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