Wailoa State Park is a vast and beautiful park at the center of Hilo city. Formerly, it was Shinmachi town lived many Japanese. It was almost destroyed by Tsunami. To avoid the human damage from Tsunami, Hilo city built only parks, play grounds and Golf course, not building, around the Hilo Bay front. And these are forming beautiful Hilo town.
There are Kamehameha ave. on the right side of the photo, and Hilo bay is just over the Avenue.
This photo took from the helicopter of volcano sightseeing. ($210 for 50minutes)
This is a vast and well maintenance park surrounding the Hilo Lagoon.
It is end of the lagoon. There lives many water fowls.
Shower was coming, but escaped under the tree it was pass over soon. It is usual in Hilo.
One kind of waterfowl was such terrible face. I have ever seen this kind of bird at Punaluu Black sand beach and was very surprised because I had never seen this face in Japan (I wrote about it before in my blog) but this had more strange one. Alas! wife and kid were same face.
そしてこの公園のシンボルはカメハメハ大王像です。前にも書きましたが、ホノルル、カパアウに次ぐ3番目の像です。 (-町-カメハメハ大王像参照)
And symbol of this park is King Kamehameha Statue. It is the third one following the Honolulu and Kapaau Statues. ( see "statues of Kamehameha the Great”-town-)
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