From Highway 11, it is about 10ml to South Point. Many cows were grazing in the large pasture. Grass is very poor because of little rain. As if they said life is very trivial.

This tree and wind power generator are the symbol of strong and same direction wind.
South end of America is such high cliff. It is also famous place of suicide.
This time one man attempted suicide, at first he hesitated to jump but I pointed my camera at that man, he was encouraged and jumped into the sea.
Of course, I'm just kidding. The boy was playing diving. There is a rope and radder to clime back.
On the way back my car was flat tire, so I had to change it. It is my first time in ten years or more. This road is paved but very bad and no gas station or shop. The rent-a-car is prohibited to drive this road.
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