

マンゴー Mango

This pretty girl taught me that these fruits on the ground were Mango and peeled one for me. It was absolutely delicious!! Juicy, rich taste and good smell! I found that if I want to eat Mango, not go to store to buy them but go under the Mango tree and pick them up.
彼女のお父さんは、ローワン ハワイアン トレジャー というギフトショップをやっています。すごい大男です。ローワンという名前とそしてこの顔、これで気づく人はいませんか? そう! 彼はかっての名横綱「曙」の弟だったのです。彼の店のウエッブを書いておきます。www.rowanshawaiiantreasures.com
Her father was the owner of the gift shop named Rowan's Hawaiian Treasures (its web above, it has not completed yet.)
Dose someone notice, to see his face, strong build and his name Rowan. Yes! he is the brother of excellent ex-sumo grand champion "YOKOZUNA AKEBONO"

シールの張ってあるのが、ファーマーズ・マーケットで1個$1で買ったもの。あとはそこで拾ったものです。どちらがおいしいかって? もちろんただほどおいしいものはありません。コンドーの近くや公園でいくらでも拾えるので、剥いて、干してドライマンゴーを作ろうとしましたが、どれだけ日に当てても乾ききりません。誰かドライフルーツの作り方を知っていたら教えてください。
One Mango with seal is $1 at Farmers Market, I bought it just before. Rest of all are pick up there. Do you want to know which is more delicious, of course, there is nothing sweeter than free. ( Japan has an idiom that there is nothing cheaper than free, or free is most expensive .)
From this time I noticed there are so many Mango trees around my apartment, Park and golf course. I can easily get them so I tried to dry them in the sunshine to make dry Mango, but just shriveled not dry up. Please tell me how to make dry fruits.

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