

プナルウ黒砂海岸 Black Sand Beach at Punaluu

About 40 Km south, comfortable down hill highway looking magnificent land scape of Mauna Loa on the right, there is a road to Punaluu Black Sand Beach. It is very easy access beach by car and every time I have been there turtles were on the sand and were basking in the sun.

There is warning board,"don't step within 2m from turtles" Everybody keep this rule and take picture from outside of that circle.( I used telephoto lens) Turtles also know this rule so they are not scared but look down on people.

Back of the Coconuts grove there is a pond of fresh water. Such strange(bad) faced birds work around proudly. (Russian Goose?)
The new volcano is actve in the sea from 30km off of this shore, named Loihi, is expecting new view point or new island. But it erupting 1000m below of surface, so it would be another 100,000 year to appear on the sea of it's beautiful figure.


ペトログリフ Petroglyph


Down the "Holei Pali" we can see the board of "Puu Loa Petroglyph Trail", it indicates the trekking rout to the wooden promenade to watch the petroglyphs(rock carvings), these were carved by ancient Hawaiians on the Pahoehoe Lava.

It is easy, but no shadow and water, hike about 1.6Km seeing great cliff nearby.

There are many carvings of naive design, man, fish or turtle etc. They are now some kind of symbol of Hawaii. This is a man, head is right side. (I intentionally took this picture in the shadow. but it was not effective.)

There are many petroglyph fields in Hawaii, but this place is largest one, about 5000 of petroglyphs here. I cannot comment they are good or not as art, but many of them are very impressive as design.
This is the place parents put the umbilical cord of their child. When I imagine a scene, that pair of Hawaiian came here from distant with baby and made a hole and put umbilical cord and prayed baby's luck in this magnificent view, my heart feel warm and happy. It is very good place for me to feel like this.


チェイン オブ クレーター ロード (2 Chain of Creaters Road (2)

チエイン オブ クレーター ロードはこの大絶壁「ホーレィ・パリ」を下ってほぼ海岸のレヴェルに達します。この絶壁は地震により海側に地崩れしたためにできたものです。
Down this great cliff "Holei Pali" Chain of Crater Road arrives at sea level. This Cliff made by big earthquakes(of course very old ones), huge volume of land slipped into sea and fault scarps were made.

Beautiful large field of Pahoehoe Lava. Think! one lava flow is only several meter thick, we see them far off they look like just painted on the wall.

Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are more than 4000m elevation, and they directly spouted out from the see bottom 5000m below so they have 10000m height, highest mountains in the world. It is incredible such height was heaped up such thin lava, very fluid. Mauna Loa is the most massive mountain in the world, it is 100 times larger than Mt. Fuji.



This road was obstructed by lava from here to Kalapana about 10km. I wrote about New Black Sand Beach or Nudist Beach in my blog, they were another side of this flow, Kalapana side.This is 2002-Present flow.

Compare with my friend and the lady back ground, he had umbrella and took long sleeve rain ware but that lady wore shorts and tank top. You can see the Japanese is very sensitive about rain and cold weather.


悪猫ニャジラ Nyazilla the naughty cat

我家はなぜかいつも猫を飼っています。そんな中で唯一私のベッドに入って寝る猫がいました。それがニャジラです。最初はミカエラなどという名前をもらったのですが 、あまりの悪賢さといたずら、愛想の悪さでいつの間にかゴジラの猫版という意味でニャジラという名になってしまいました。
Anytime my family have kept cat. Among them Nyazilla was only one cat she slept in my bed. At first she was given charming name, Michaela. But depended on her natures, cunning, naughty and unfriendly, everyone called her Nyazilla, it was cat version of Godzilla.
It was very cute when she slept at my foot, but accidentally my foot touched her she bit it with anger. Can you imagine how I surprised and jumped up from deep sleep.
Several years ago she died, but to my surprised I met her again two years ago at the garden of my apartment in Hawaii. At first her face looked as if she said "Hi! I miss you." But later she looked at me an upward glance like this picture, it was really a face of naughty cat. and kept away from me, just like Nyazilla did.
When I come back to Japan I leave apartment very early because of flight schedule, still dark, but always she send my at the gate and her face says to me "See you!"
That is why I think about her, "How is she", when I arrive at Hilo Air port. And prepare
dried bonito shavings for her, but she doesn't show me any expression of pleasure, just like Nyazilla didn't.


チェイン オブ クレーター ロード (1) Chain of Craters Road (1)

チェイン オブ クレーター ロードは ヒロから約30マイルかけて登ってきた高度1250mのキラウエア山頂から,その半分ぐらいの距離で海岸まで下ります。ジェット・コースターに乗っているように快適な道で、もちろん信号など一つもありません。(赤線の道、クリックすると拡大されます)
From the summit of Kilauea, its elevation is 1250m, Chain of crater road(red line) go down to the sea only 15ml, half distance from Hilo. So, we can drive comfortable as if we ride roller coaster, there is no signal, of course. (crick the map for enlargement)
Map 1 of this blog is the Google Map around here.
Around the summit we drive through the Rain Forest. They are very beautiful deep green forest.
It is Hapu'u, kind of fern, looked like monster bracken.
There are many forest with rich moisture like this in Hawaii, because States protect them as Forest Reserve. But they worried about wild pigs and goats which eat the fern and sprouts very much.
But there is bigger power that destroys the wide rain forest in one night. That is.....!
そう! 溶岩流です。緑豊かな雨林がこの光景に一変します。クレーターの連鎖の始まりです。
Yea! Lava flow. Suddenly The rain forest change such devastation. It is the start of Chain of Crater Road.

There are 5 or 6 crater just beside this road. Crater is the hole that is made the vent exhausts lava, so the collapse occurs to the empty space.
The big scale of crater are called Caldera, Kilauea Caldera is for example.
(The Mt. Aso Caldera is one of the world's most big Calderas.)

The little hill of left side is Mauna Ulu, the dome made of tephra and lava. Once Mauna Ulu raged and erupted huge volume of lave. The source of wide lava field of previous photo was Mauna Ulu.
The road continues still seeing Kipuka, little old forest they were not involved lava flow luckily,here and there.


ワイルク川ワイアレ滝 The Waiale falls at Wailuku R

The Wai'ale falls, 1Km upper from the boiling pod. Small but rich volume water fall.

There is a elementary school before this river and very small village ahead. I guess this fall is known only these people. I took this photos from the bridge of this river.


自分の庭に植えていると、見ている分には素敵ですが、大形の花がしょっちゅう散って、べったり張り付き掃除が大変です。私のコンドーの駐車場の脇にこの木があって日陰と景観を与えてくれていましたが、朝起きると花がたくさんボディにしみを作っていました。(もっともレンタカーですが) 近くにあった消火栓を壊すというので、伐られてしまいましたが、ほっとしたような、がっかりしたような!!
There is a entrance of trekking course just ahead of the bridge. The big tree with red flowers in front of the fall is African-Tulip, this flowers add some beauty to Hawaiian land scape.
If you have this tree in your garden, it is wonderful for you and your neighbors to see it, but big red flowers always fall down and stick everywhere tightly, so they give you very hard work to remove them.
Near my parking place of my apartment, there was a big one, it gave me good shadow and wonderful sight, but every morning many petals make stains on my car's(rent-a-car)body. It was cut down because it would break the fire hydrant equipment near of it. Relieved and Desappointed!