The Wai'ale falls, 1Km upper from the boiling pod. Small but rich volume water fall.
There is a elementary school before this river and very small village ahead. I guess this fall is known only these people. I took this photos from the bridge of this river.
自分の庭に植えていると、見ている分には素敵ですが、大形の花がしょっちゅう散って、べったり張り付き掃除が大変です。私のコンドーの駐車場の脇にこの木があって日陰と景観を与えてくれていましたが、朝起きると花がたくさんボディにしみを作っていました。(もっともレンタカーですが) 近くにあった消火栓を壊すというので、伐られてしまいましたが、ほっとしたような、がっかりしたような!!
There is a entrance of trekking course just ahead of the bridge. The big tree with red flowers in front of the fall is African-Tulip, this flowers add some beauty to Hawaiian land scape.
If you have this tree in your garden, it is wonderful for you and your neighbors to see it, but big red flowers always fall down and stick everywhere tightly, so they give you very hard work to remove them.
Near my parking place of my apartment, there was a big one, it gave me good shadow and wonderful sight, but every morning many petals make stains on my car's(rent-a-car)body. It was cut down because it would break the fire hydrant equipment near of it. Relieved and Desappointed!
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