ウマウマ滝 UmaUma falls
プゥ・オーオー噴火口 Heli tour to Pu'u O'o Vent

バナナ Banana
On the way of my stroll route there was the Banana tree with many bananas. It is not rare in Hilo. I wanted to take one ore two, but it was growing in the other's property and at that time I already knew that I took them carelessly I got unremovable stain by sap. (see the previous report or "Living" ravel.
Fruits of banana are female flower, it is typical kind of unlimited inflorescence(I'm not sure in English), flowers bloom down to up. When the red purple skin of the flower is coming off, little bananas appear and grow.
アロハ破綻 Aloha Dump

About two years ago, I was waiting Aloha Air Line at Hilo Air Port to go back to Honolulu. I felt little bit strange air around there. Staffs said Thank you! so many time, and crew, plane staffs and ground staffs were reluctant to leave each other.
I knew later it was the last day of Aloha Air. I did not watch TV(I haven't) and news paper, it was not strange to unknown about it even so it was a bolt from the blue.
Tickets of after this could not be refunded.

Two days after when I left Honolulu Air Port there were no Aloha Plane around the terminal building, but dumped all together at the edge of the air port. I always used Aloha it was very sad scene indeed.
Recently Air Line make topics so many time, cancel frights by volcanic ashes of Ireland or Japan Air Line, I remember this episode.
溶岩流 Lava Flow
I forgot to bring tripod, so it is slightly blurred. But it gives some kind of power I think!!!
The fumes were very artistic when we saw them at twilight time. Can you recognize two men's profiles and two Lions, male and female.
It's a same type photo I posted it at the head of this blog.
マウナ・ロア登山 Climbing Mauna Loa
This is so easy to walk on the Chinder field, Lava poured like spray and become solid until it falling to the ground. The left side black lave is Pahoehoe.(also terminology from Hawaiian language)


この写真は私の撮った物ではありません。(一目瞭然か?) モク アウェオウェオ カルデラを南側から撮った航空写真です。ピット・クレターが3っも写っている雪景色の珍しいものです。前のブログの写真と次の写真は北側から撮ったものです。次の写真に写っているケルンは、頂上ではなく山小屋に案内するものです。
This photo is not taken by me, of course. It is the summit caldera, Moku Aweoweo, taken from the south, former and next pictures are taken from north, you can see the three or more Pit Craters, it is very rare photo. The cairn signs of next photo guide to the cabin, not summit.
山頂噴火の推移 the summit explosion
Recently the gases are primarily Water Vapor and soon pushed to west by trade wind because of losing explosive power. They contain noxious sulfur dioxide and give bad influence to the peoples in Kona side. There is no well in Hawaii island because volcanic ash and pumice cannot keep water inside. Country side, no water supply available, people get water gathering rain from roof and keep it in a big tank. They are worried about containing noxious gases in rain.
The amount of gases are decreasing and color becoming white, color of water vapor. It is gettin to the last phase though some times little explosion happened.