I could go to the weather observatory(it mainly used to measure Green House Gases) by usual car, its altitude of 3300m. then I rest about an hour to acclimate to height. And just go up the slope like this rough field.
Distant view is Mauna・Kea. The rough lava is named AA(It is volcanic technical term from Hawaiian word) This is son of a bitch for walking. We guided by the cairn (guide corn) I am always scared if fog comes, it is very hard to fined them.
This is so easy to walk on the Chinder field, Lava poured like spray and become solid until it falling to the ground. The left side black lave is Pahoehoe.(also terminology from Hawaiian language)
This is so easy to walk on the Chinder field, Lava poured like spray and become solid until it falling to the ground. The left side black lave is Pahoehoe.(also terminology from Hawaiian language)

Outer wall of the summit caldera. Eerie scene reminiscent as if I'm coming to the gate of hell.

この写真は私の撮った物ではありません。(一目瞭然か?) モク アウェオウェオ カルデラを南側から撮った航空写真です。ピット・クレターが3っも写っている雪景色の珍しいものです。前のブログの写真と次の写真は北側から撮ったものです。次の写真に写っているケルンは、頂上ではなく山小屋に案内するものです。
This photo is not taken by me, of course. It is the summit caldera, Moku Aweoweo, taken from the south, former and next pictures are taken from north, you can see the three or more Pit Craters, it is very rare photo. The cairn signs of next photo guide to the cabin, not summit.