This trail descends a 1780foot cliff and 3.2mile in length and has 26 switchbacks. Here we changed mule to bus tour. Mules took a rest and get food. White circle point they rescued two person who fell down from mules.
A site of old hospital. We can see the houses, peace and quite now a day Kalaupapa.
East end of the peninsula. The patients who carried by ships were living in such isolated place.
We cannot talk about Kalaupapa without the stories of Father Damian.
1866,Kalaupapa was chosen as the "dumping site" for Hawaii's ailing lepers. They ware carried by ship and were landed by crane with just a ten day ration of provisions.Survival was measured in few weeks.When they died other patients threw them into the hole. That's all!!
Fatter Damian arrived here 1873 on two weeks mission. But he was so taken aback by the lepers' horrific plight, he stayed here for the rest of his life.
At first he made coffins and made shelters,taught agriculture, encouraged and gave them human dignity. He himself developed leprosy and after 13years struggle against disease he died 1889. He was canonized 2009.
This is the Church named St. Philomena's Church that Father Damian supervised its construction until he died. It was just before the East end and 1000yards far from the human dwelling but in white circle there is a cat with cat food in a bowl.
Inside of the church and cat. It said as if "it is my territory" It took to human.
The grave of Father Damian, decorated with flesh flowers.
Mother Marianne, another Saint associated with Kalaupapa. Mother came to Kalaupapa to care for dying Father Damian. After his death she nursed patients, taught and guard girls etc. She died 80years old, not leprosy. And also canonized.
Inside of the St. Elizabeth Church. Our guide sang Chant for us. It is said the all guides of Kalaupapa are former patient? He talked about Mother Marianne achievement in front of her grave but he could not speak because of moving tear so Sister continued his story.
The graves of Leper patients. At first they were just thrown into the holes when they died. But Father Damian was stickler for coffin and grave to keep the human dignity of lepers.
We came back by riding mules. Beginning is the comfortable trail along the beach side. My Alika was already behind the group.
To go up is easier to go down.
And back to a stable. The mule for a person who was carried by helicopter was empty.
They gave me a Certification of the tour. White arrow is the place that my mule fell down from the precipice. There is a name Alika, my stupid and cute mule.