This is the monument of Tsunami in 1960 standing at the side of Naniloa Golf Course (back ground is golf course, very near the Wailoa State Park) Chile earthquakes was the origin of this tsunami and after 15hours killed 61 lives in Hilo and after 22 hrs 140 in Japan also (18000km from Chile).
This clock was frozen at 1:05 am (mid-night), it was the time Tsunami hit Hilo. It was salvaged from mud to be turned into The Reminder.
The restaurant of Seaside Hotel. There are lines at the window that indicate the tsunami revel, upper line is 1960's and lower is 1957's its origin was Aleutians (same as 1946's worst one but no death) You can see sea right side of window.
There are many these signs on the road side that run along sea shore. One shows us the public access route to sea shore and the other the evacuation route from Tsunami, it was made just after 1960's tsunami.
かって、英語でタイダル・ウエーブといっていた津波をタイド(潮) とは関係ないということで、日本語のtsunamiに変更しています。名残はレストランの窓の写真にTIDAL WAVE という文字が見えます。
私は津波(harbor wave)を見た印象から、これは単なる波ではないと思い、表題の英語はtidal wave としています。(以前に記載した「津波を見た」を参照してください)
Tsunami was mistakenly called "tidal wave" but has nothing to do with tide. So we call them tsunami now. This name remains on the window of restaurant.
I thought like this yet, but I actually saw tsunami, my opinion changed, it was not a mere wave. So English title of the report is "Tidal Wave". (see the former blog "Tidal Wave")
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