

ワイルク川ボイリングポッド Boiling Pod at Wailuku R.

There is the "Boiling Pod" going up 2Km from the Rainbow fall. It's name comes from that rushing stream makes foam as if water boiling in the pod.

I think it is far more charming than the Rainbow Fall, but I have never seen sightseeing bus here.
It is the Pee-Pee fall( not pronounce pie but pehe) seeing from the lookout point.

こんな急流で女の子たちが水遊びをしていました。あとは誰もいません。絶好の弁当スポットです。Girls were bathing in such rapid stream. There was no one around except them. It is the finest spot to take Obento(lunch).

I shouted to them "May I take your Photos?" They also loved handsome man, so made a pose like this. I, myself, am fascinated this picture very much. Some one knows them please note their address or something in Comment Column of this blog, I'll send them Print.

The papaya tree at the parking place. The most yellow one was within my reach. So...! Delicious!


ワイルク川レインボーフォール Rainbow fall at Wailuku R.

Rainbow fall, 2Km upper way of Wailuku River. You can find it in the map making bigger and moving it to west.
It is smaller version of The Akaka falls that I posted it before. I have been there so many times but I have never seen the Rainbow, but sightseeing buses.

ワイルク川河口 The mouth of Wailuku River


The Wailuku River flows just over the north side of Hilo down town. Green allow indicate the place of Farmers Market, center of the town. Waianuenue St. in the main street of it. Over the old bridge( Panel indicates 1938) is Hilo Bay and highway to the north. Hawaiian High ways have many grade crossings, not only multilevel crossing, and go-stop signals, but maximum speed limit is 55mils, just like Japanese High Ways.


This was took from the next upper bridge of Keawe-Wailuku Bridge. As if this deep valley is in the deep mountains. Clear and rich water, children always play in this with float. It is one of the Hilo's charm-point to have such beautiful sight in the center of the town.


公園のココナッツ Coconuts in the Park





Palm trees with so many coconuts.
A structure of Coconuts is
1. strong fiber in woody armor
2. protected by them there is about 15 to 20cm round nuclear. It is very hard and close wood          2~3mm thick and with white and oily cream inside wall.
3. filled a little sweet coconut juice in the nuclear.

Coconut is sold $1 at farmers market, if you buy it store man cut upper side of it by big barbarian sword, then suck a juice through straw and eat cream with spoon.

When I was a boy I red books of Tarzan. He was so thirsty wandering around desert and found a coconut and drunk juice with great pleasure. I have been impressed by this scene very strong so did it soon when I found coconut in farmers market. My long time desire was vain.

ワイロア州立公園の椰子。熱帯、亜熱帯地方の風景を象徴する木ですが、前の写真とちょっと雰囲気が違いませんか? そうココナッツがついていません。枯れかけた葉っぱもついていません。




Palm trees in Wailoa State Park. They are the symbol of tropical landscape. But they have no coconut and dead frond.
If one get falling coconut or frond from 20 or 25m height on his head, sometimes it might be the cause of one's death and park is called to account for it. So warning is posted "beware the falling coconut and frond" and artificially take them off.

How? At first I thought they used crane or lift, but there are so many place that cannot enter such heavy machine. After all man climb and cut them off by chainsaw. Some one taught me the Samoan who has special talent climb the palm with putting spikes and sliding up him by tying the trunk and body loosely and take good money. I want to take photos of this work for this blog.

In the private properties they cannot spend such big cost, so palm trees keep heavily with coconuts. Some resident told me he has not gotten injured but car roof was made a dent.


津波記念碑 Reminders of Tidal Wave

これはワイロア州立公園の隣にあるナニロア・ゴルフ・コース(奥がゴルフ場) の横に立つ1960年5月の津波の記念碑。この津波はチリの地震に発し、15時間後ヒロに死者61人、22時間後日本(18000キロ離れている) に死者140人の大被害を与えたものです。
This is the monument of Tsunami in 1960 standing at the side of Naniloa Golf Course (back ground is golf course, very near the Wailoa State Park) Chile earthquakes was the origin of this tsunami and after 15hours killed 61 lives in Hilo and after 22 hrs 140 in Japan also (18000km from Chile).
This clock was frozen at 1:05 am (mid-night), it was the time Tsunami hit Hilo. It was salvaged from mud to be turned into The Reminder.

The restaurant of Seaside Hotel. There are lines at the window that indicate the tsunami revel, upper line is 1960's and lower is 1957's its origin was Aleutians (same as 1946's worst one but no death) You can see sea right side of window.

There are many these signs on the road side that run along sea shore. One shows us the public access route to sea shore and the other the evacuation route from Tsunami, it was made just after 1960's tsunami.

かって、英語でタイダル・ウエーブといっていた津波をタイド(潮) とは関係ないということで、日本語のtsunamiに変更しています。名残はレストランの窓の写真にTIDAL WAVE という文字が見えます。

私は津波(harbor wave)を見た印象から、これは単なる波ではないと思い、表題の英語はtidal wave としています。(以前に記載した「津波を見た」を参照してください)

Tsunami was mistakenly called "tidal wave" but has nothing to do with tide. So we call them tsunami now. This name remains on the window of restaurant.

I thought like this yet, but I actually saw tsunami, my opinion changed, it was not a mere wave. So English title of the report is "Tidal Wave". (see the former blog "Tidal Wave")


カニに見る進化論 The theory of Evolution about crab

ヒロのコンドーの前の岩場で、初めてカニを見たときびっくりしました。日本では見たことがないほど、またちょっと気味が悪いほど黒いではありませんか? よく考えてみると、ハワイ島の海岸は玄武岩で真っ黒な色をしています。また、海岸にはサギやシギがたくさんいます。黒くて目立たないカニだけが生き残リその遺伝子を子孫に伝えてきたのでしょう。そして臆病ですばやいこと。まさにダーウィンの進化論の世界です。
I was very surprised when I saw crabs at rocky lagoon in front of my apartment because they were really black, a little bit sickening color. I never have seen such colored crab in Japan. But consider well, the beach of Big-island is black color by Basalt lava and many herons and snipes are there. So only black and inconspicuous crabs could survive and inherited their gene to descendants. They are also cautious and nimble. This is exactly the world of the Evolution theory of Darwin