Mauna Loa means Long Mountain. It is my favorite one but I cannot express its height, 4169m, when I take photos, just take big hill. It is the most massive mountain in the world. It is equivalent of 100 Mt.Fuji (although it is a very big mountain)
This blows up from the ocean floor, its depth more than 5000m, so Mauna Loa has about 9600m elevation, it is the highest mountain in the world. (Usually said Mauna Kea is highest in the world from the sea-bed, but some one says sea-bed at Mauna Loa is deeper because its weight push down it below. Ha!ha!ha..)
The active volcano, of course, the most recent lava flows in the year 1984 got closer in a few miles to the houses of Hilo. This photo is the southern slope of it, taken from a 2~3km from coast line, at the side of main road runs around the island.
Mauna Loa’s summit caldera (Moku Aueoueo). Very big mountain so it has 4big crater and caldera. We just walked with gasp on the Lava plateau, with neither tree nor glass, we also did not see people as far as could see. (only two parties met)
There is weather observatory at 3000m elevation. A car barely can climb to that point. So I thought it was not so difficult to climb only 1000m such a gentle slope. That was a stupid notion, thin air gave me terrible suffering so gave up going a top at first trial.
上の写真の南斜面から登ると、3日間かかる。 (途中と頂上にキャビンがある)
If we climb from southern slope, above photo, need three days trip. There are two cabins on the way and top.
The front line of Mauna Loa and Kea battle. The rear is Kea. Kea makes many scoria corns and Loa flows smoothie Lava (pahoehoe lava, it is Hawaiian word but it is technical term of geology). They make interesting contrast.