

ホーレイ・パリ、大好きな場所 Holei Pali, my favorite place

キラウエア国立公園のチェイン・オブ・クレータ ロードを下がりきり、後ろを振り返ると壮大な絶壁が続いているのが見える。これが、私の大好きなホーレイ・パリ、すさまじい光景です。(このブログのチェイン・オブ・クレーター・ロード(2)、ラヴェルーキラエウエアー参照)
Down the Chain of Crater Road in Kilauea National Park and look back, you see the magnificent and long cliff. It is the Holei Pali and it is the one of my favorite place. What a terrible sight it is! (refer Chain of Crater Road (2) of this blog. Ravel=Kilauea=)

There are a few calm forests among rough lava field. Those are called KIPUKA. That is an island miraculously remained from the red-hot lava flow.
It is the place new Aa lava ( lava with a rough and rugged surface) flowed on the Pahoehoe lava (with a smooth or ropy surface) There is no difference of  principal ingredients between two kinds of lava but difference of amount of gas contain changes the surface condition extremely.

Lava plateau looked from the top of cliff.

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