The place that I took photos of coconuts cutting, named Laupahoehoe (it means a flat of smooth lava,pahoehoe), has the tragic history. April 1,1946, Tsunami attacked this peninsula and killed 24.
The source of this Tsunami was the Aleutian Islands and killed 159 at the whole Hawaii Island. Maximum height of wave was recorded 55 feet.
There is the monument "in memory of those who lost their lives in the tidal wave ( at that time tsunami called so) April 1 1946" The names and ages of the victims are carved on the stone board. 24people were killed, 16 of them school children, four of them teacher and four was residents. There are some offerings front of the monument,
14people had Japanese name, such as Fujimoto Toshiaki 14 years old, Ishizu Mamoru 16 years, Yamamoto Jitsumi 14 years. At that time around there were sugarcane producing district so many immigrants from Japan lived there.
Boards for recall at that time.(I failed to take good pictures)
The picture of Laupahoehoe prior to the Tsunami.(TSUNAMI! University of Hawaii Press) Note the playing fields and cottages nearest the ocean.
Present High Way is passing at the top of the cliff, not the road on this photo.
This book contains many stories. For example, someone said that sea had receded and ocean floor was bare but everybody thought it was a April fool joke. Someone went to seawall to see the strange sea and was swallowed up by the wave. Other student who belonged basketball team could run faster by terror and achieved safety. When his head cleared another boy found he was floating in debris and in the company of sharks.

被災直後。(「The Tsunami」Walt Dudley 著より) 宿舎は跡形もなく流されています。左下の椰子の木が、椰子の実取りをやっていた椰子並木。
The picture of soon after the Tsunami. (from "The Tsunami" by Walt Dudley") All cottages were swept into the sea. The row of Palm trees of left blow are the one which workers were cutting off the coconuts.
Site of the Play Ground. It has peaceful appearance now.