As the road of east side is stopped by Waipio Valley, We have to drive west side of the Kohala Mountains to go up north, . It is a magnificent highlands road and has quite different sight from the east side. Because it is at the leeward side of the Trade Wind so rains are squeezed by the mountains of more than 1500m high and very dry wind comes and has few rain. The land were eroded by wind and landslide, not rain and river, making gentle slope.
The mountain of back ground is Mauna・Loa, town in the foreground is Waimea and huge empty space is Parker Ranch that is one of widest ranch in USA.
サボテンがたくさん生えていて、亜熱帯雨林を形成していた東側といかに天候が違うかを示しています。 わずかな距離でこれほど植生が違うところも珍しいのではないでしょうか? ハワイらしからぬ風景です。
Many Cactus symbolizes a difference of weather from east side with tropical rain forest. It is rare places that have such difference only 10 miles away, I think.
It is a distant view of Waikoloa Resort, Maulani Resort and so on, they have many luxury hotels and we can enjoy fine diner at the hotel with golden sunset. West side of the island they have few rain, so it is very good for Golf and swimming.
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