When I introduced Hilo town in this blog, I mentioned about Tsunami which attacked there twice. Next day we had huge earthquake at Chile, M8.6 and what an accident, I stayed Ichinomiya town at the Boso peninsula so I could watch the Tsunami for the first time in my life. Of course I could no go out to beach or haber, so I waited them at the side of Isumi River. Here is 1km up from the river mouth and it makes a right angle to Pacific Ocean. The Isumi River is very quiet and gentle one. (left of the picture is lower part of the river)

Suddenly mass of trash were flowing backwards aginst the stream very quickly.
You can easily find the level of water rises high abave, when you see the draining ditch and the angle of steps to floating pier.

Stakes of pier show the direction of flood and huge increase of water. Only in 5 minutes water increased 1m.

If water increased 1m more all the houses around there were flooded up to the floorboard. I'm thinking now next after I saw this scien.
1. ヒロの記事で、かって英語では津波のことをタイダル・ウェーブといっていたが、タイド(潮) とは関係ないので、今では正当にもツナミと呼んでいる、と紹介したが、私が見た限りにおいては、これは、波ではなく大きな潮の流れという感じです。
I said in Hilo story, Tsunami was called "Tidal Wave" before. But there is no relation between Tide and Tsunami so word of Tsunami becomes English. It was reasonable I thought. But I saw this tsunami I'm thinking now it is not a wave but gigantic flow of Tide.
2. 波にはあれだけ大量のごみを、川の流れに逆らってすごいスピードで運んでくるパワーはないでしょう。単に上下させるだけ。引くときはあっという間に流し去って行きます。
A wave has not such power or energy to carry big mass of trash up ward of river against the flow. A wave can only move them up and down.
3. 風の力で表面だけ波立たせるのではなく、海底から水をうごかす、まさに「潮の波」でした。しかし怖いですね。音もなく寄せて音もなく去っていく。前の家などは全くこの事態に気がついていませんでした。
A wave is occured by wind mainly and happen at surface of sea. But Tsunami moves all water from bottom of the sea, we must not call them "Haber Wave-TSU-NAMI".
It is exactly "Tidal Wave" or "Tide like Wave". It is very horrible because it creeps still and goes away quiet. No one of that hause recognized this situation, of course not evacuate but might be just watching TV, it repeated so many times that it was possible one wave after another becomes bigger.
4. なお、ヒロの街は75cmぐらいのツナミで被害はなかったようです。
Hilo got no damage from tsunami of 75cm high.