拡大すると読める E Pluribus Unum は1955年までの公式標語「多数から一つへ」、現在は In God We Trust 「我々は神を信じる」で、表面にはこの文言が刻まれています。
The law to mint 56 US National Parks Quarter was enforced in 2010. This time Hawaiian Volcanoes Quarter was issued. It is very elaborate one that carves incandescent rubbles and Lava flow from Pu'u O'o crater.
( If you crick this photo you can read Latin words " E Pluribus Unum", official motto of US until 1955, means "out of many, one" Now is "In God We Trust" Both Mottoes are carved both side of this coin.....of course I don't write this sentence for American readers...)
I could not get an attachment to make key chain of this coin in Hilo, but I got it in Tokyo. It is for making key chain by inserting photos, named Hamepachi( means the lid shut with a click) key holder. Coin is too thick to shut the lid with click so I fixed the lid with glue.
The series of 50 States Quarter finished. I collected all of them with great difficulty but new series start!!!
The last coin of 50 States series is Hawaii. Kamehameha the Great is designed with Hawaiian words "Ke Sa Oka Aina I Kapono" means " With Justice, a reign continues forever". ( I'm not sure of this translation)
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