Mr.Sato, deputy director of the Memorial Hall of Mt.Bandai Eruption at the back side of Mt. Bandai in Fukushima Pref.,reported his tour around the Tsunami stricken area in the meeting of "Japan Volcano lovers Club"(named Volcano Cafe)"
(a fish boat,carried away 600m from a port)
These photos was taken 8 months after since then, but these showed us that they have not be recovered well in spite of many people's hard work.
(a bus on the roof of Ishinomaki Community Center)
(a car on the roof of a municipal apartment of Minamisanriku town)
They shows us how high the Tsunami was.
There are two opinions about those. One is that these must be reserved for a reminder, the other is that those must be remove quickly because they recall serious memories.
Mr. Sato and I have former opinion, but we cannot insist this to the people who lost blood relatives, friends and property actually.
If I must say something, The Atomic Bomb Dome at Hiroshima was registered World Heritage and has be stressing the cruelty of nuclear weapon. It has a very big meaning. But we don't forget the sacrifice of A-bomb victims who remind severe memories every time when they saw this.
(Protection center from natural desasters at Minamisanriku town)
His Majesty the Emperor said "We have to pass this story down from generation to generation" at the celemony held in one year memory of this Disaster. Majestly was operated on for heart and he attended this only 1 week after getting ouf of the hospital.
(debris of Onagawa town)
I is very big problem how to dispose such huge amount of bebris, some of them were exposed to radiation from the broken nuclear power plant. Some cities and towns accepted these.
According to the newspaper, same amount of 20 supertankers of 200thousand tons debris are floating in Pacific Ocian now, and will be arrived at Hawaii at 2016.
When I went to the southern most place of Big-Island, South-Point, I saw big acmount of garbage on the beach. Hungul alphabet of North Korea were written on many of them. It means if the things were thrwon arround there, they reach Hawaii.
Of cource, the debris of this time are much, much more. And they said treat them with respect beacause those are most precious for the victims.
(Ookawa Elmentary School)
At Ookawa Elememtary School 74 students (about 70% of all) and 10 teachers and staffs were dead or missing.
On this monument there are Ojizousama(a deity of children) who guards children in the next world and dolls of Doraemon and Santa Claus who pleased children in this world. Looking at this We cannot hold back tears.